While browsing the Internet, I stumbled upon a fun little introductory material for future fermentation engineers, food scientists and biochemists – a virtual lab experiment to test the student’s basic fermentation knowledge.

It comes from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, School of Life Sciences, and is a part of introductory courses for biochemistry. This particular virtual lab experiment is tied into the Enzyme category; there are Protein, Genetics and Nucleic acids categories as well.

The virtual lab for yeast fermentation basics is a primer for more advanced material in the future. It covers the basics, including how varying materials and conditions influences the fermentation, and comes with a little “quiz”, with an explanation at the end. This could serve as a great learning tool for students who are just starting to learn about these processes, but also to introduce anyone who is interested in how fermentation works, including younger pupils.

The virtual lab experiment can be found at this link.