Long time no see!

Lots has happened in the last year or so, since the last text on my blog.

For starters, I started a new job, in a new town, in a new country! Moving and adapting to the new environment was a challenge, but thanks to the huge support from my family and my girlfriend (who came along, of course), I finally settled in and found my footing.

But, enough about my personal life – what have I been up to?

Well, actually, I’ve had a keen interest in the human gut microbiota for a few years now, a topic that has for some reason found me, instead of it being vice-versa. I experimented (on myself, sample size of 1) with various pro- and prebiotics, and noted my results. As always, the purpose of this blog is not to deep-dive into the science of why a healthy gut is important (more on that in the later posts, perhaps). The purpose is more practical – a check-in, and a place to mark down some thoughts.

This dabbling in the world of gut microbiota birthed a new idea – I want to develop a fiber-rich product, a dietary supplement of sorts, which could increase our daily fiber intake by a large margin, while being all-natural (a loaded term, I know) and free of any questionable (by my own definition of the word) ingredients.

The ingredients, which I’m keeping a secret for now, are already bought, and currently I am in phase 1 – the creation of a blueprint of sorts. I’m collecting data, calculating the proportions of the ingredients, and trying to come up with a few recipe ideas.

This blueprint will continue on to phase 2 – the hands-on experimentation and the development of small batches for testing purposes; I’m going to build a pilot plant, of sorts.

Following phases will… well, follow!

That’s it for now, short, sweet (if I say so myself) and to the point. More information should follow soon!